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COVID19 Has Us All in FLUX

Yes pun intended. Flux Energy, like the name implies, was founded on the principle of disruption. Anyone who has been in the alternative energy industry long can tell you, continuous change is where we thrive. The COVID 19 pandemic has the whole world thrown off balance and the situation is evolving daily. During this time of fluidity, here's how Flux Energy is continuing the good fight to battle climate change -- because once the world's population is safe and healthy again, the climate crisis will still remain.

First, we count our blessings: Renewable energy and infrastructure workers are considered essential. This means we are able to continue to push projects forward within the confines of social distancing guidelines and Shelter in Place orders.

Before the California order went into effect, Flux Energy took proactive measures to protect our employees and our community, and ensure our business continuity. Our team quickly transitioned to working from home. Our internal communication has strengthened to ensure projects were completed on time and team members were supported and able to stay confident and on task. Doing the often considered, "unglamorous" desktop work of design and engineering, our main operations were not critically effected. Thanks to efforts by CALSSA to promote no-touch permitting with California jurisdictions, there is a path forward to continue permitting services.

"This too shall pass . . . the energy transition is unavoidable."

Second, being a small, privately held business we are able to respond quickly and get ahead of the curve. After analyzing various scenarios in our PV, ESS, and EVSE market segments we were able to implement our business continuity plan adjusted to a conservative or worst case scenario to ensure we had runway through the crisis. That includes all the common sense ways of lowering overhead and staying abreast of federal, state, and small business assistance programs.

Flux Energy President, Alison Brown stresses that, "Its the individual actions that will add up to push the group to success. We have to remain focused on the big picture, take care of ourselves, get the work done, and be especially methodical and error-free as always." This industry is no stranger to operating lean and mean though market fluctuations.

Yes, this is our first global pandemic, but through the boom-bust of local tech markets, rebate starts and stops, ITC step downs, with wild ride of capital funding, M&A, policy changes, and tariff cases, Flux's leadership team has been weathering industry storm winds since 2006. "Every year -- sometimes every quarter -- there is a new challenge. We've been through a crisis drill at nearly every iteration of our careers. We know that this too shall pass and a new opportunity lies around the bend. The energy transition is unavoidable." says Sales Manager, Al Adams. "The most important thing is to remain on the positive side of realistic and support your team and community the best you can."


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